Depending on which poll is being discussed, it’s being stated that one in six Americans believe that President Obama is a Muslim, and only one in four believe him to be a Protestant.  At this point in his professional and elected life, to have to defend who he is, to be challenged about his beliefs, is just lunacy.  That one in six, and the one in four, well, they have a problem.  Honesty!  These people should just come out of the closet and admit their prejudices.

By his support of same-sex marriages he could not be a muslim, and they know that.

By his inclusion of private insurance in the affordable healthcare act he could not be a socialist, and they know that.

By his long association with the Baptist church and his confession of faith ( not to anyone but God and Jesus matters), he is to be considered a Christian, and they know that.

By the documented evidence of his birth, in Hawaii, he is a citizen of the United States of America, and they know that.

By almost 10,000,000 votes, with largest vote total in American history (69,446,897 votes) he was elected POTUS, and they know that.

As Commander-in-Chief of our armed forces he has reduced the threat to the US from groups like al-Quada, and they know that.

His administration navigated this country from depths of recession, to a stable state, to a beginning recovery, and they know that.

This done, in spite of stated and documented attempts to thwart him, even at the expense of said recovery, and they know this, also.

Their prejudices are feeding their fears and their fears are preventing them from accepting who he is and what he has done for the USA.

They know it, they might as well admit it.


The Detroit Metropolitan Bar Association’s Judicial Candidate Evaluation Committee has completed it’s ratings of judicial candidates for the Wayne County 2012 election cycle.

Of the candidates for 36th District Court judge, Doug Monds has been rated “OUTSTANDING,” the highest rating available from the committee.

Quoting from their site:

” To be rated “Outstanding,” an individual must stand at the top of his or her profession.  He or she must rank among the very best qualified judges or lawyers available for judicial service.  This candidate must have outstanding legal ability and background, as well as wide experience, wisdom, intellect, insight, and impartiality.  To be accorded the highest rating, a candidate should generally have the breadth of vision and outlook that derives from participation in civic, religious, charitable or political organizations of the community, and the work of the organized bar or other professional associations.  In short, each should be a person whose preeminence in the law and as a citizen is widely acknowledged and whose qualifications are virtually hailed by judges and lawyers.”

It should be noted that “only” Doug, of the 10 candidates on the ballot for 36th District Court, received this rating:

36th District Court, Non-Incumbent

6 Year Term (2 positions)

The 36th District Court needs Doug Monds.  The City of Detroit needs Doug Monds.  Be sure to vote in the primary election August 7, 2012.

Be sure to vote for Doug Monds!

Learn more at: